Saturday, June 16, 2012

A failing marriage... BUT WE CAN GET THROUGH THIS!

When we last left Cindy, she had the babies, her marriage is slowly falling apart. And she is the most loving mom evar.
Babies! Watta nice family

She is constantly taking care of the kids. She doesn't complain though.

Cindy: Mommy loves you soooo much Harley.
Harley: *not understandable chatter*

She also still cleans majority of everything as well.
Cindy: I'm only in this for the children.

Cindy: I'm sorry! I can't hear you over your poor grammar skills!!

Cindy: That's... what babies do Addison.

Cindy: Aawe mommy's here Bismarc.
There is no good nickname for bismarc.

Cindy: Tickle tickle tickle
Bismarc: Oh, mother. You are quite the card.

Cindy: Let's go Bis, for the sake of your father and I's marriage.

Cindy: Wouldn't you like that? A marriage that's only being glued together with the children?
Bismarc: Uuuh... YES!

Cindy: Some day, you'll grow into an amazing artist, and you to can lead this family to greatness.
Harley: omigosh mom you are sooooo overbearing...  I mean " GWEATNESS "

Cindy: The kids are asleep... let's make the beasts with two backs.
Addison: Awwwe baby

Cindy: That was... I didn't even finish...
Addison: can't... take this... anymore
:D What a great marriage!

Cindy: Hmmm... something tells me... 

Cindy: I should have pulled down my skirt first...

I then moved them to appaloosa plains.
I spent the majority of the money of the house, so it still needs furnishing.
Also, I moved them to appaloosa because my game would crash when I played them.

And then I gave Cindy a makeover.

Yeeeeaaah. I prefer Harley over Bismarc. D: I feel so bad, but she's so darn cute.

I'm in love with his facial structure. Aside from this picture, he actually got along with everyone.

Addison: Computers. Computers. Computers. COMPUTERS.
Random blonde guy: Awwwwe yeah.

Addison: You're gorgeous.
Blonde stranger: You're beautiful as well.

And then all the guests sat down to some delicious foods.
Foods is a word. Look eht up.

Addison: *extreme sexy stare contest*
Dis ehs intinsed guise

Cindy is so friendly.
She's perfect in everywhere.
Which... is boring, but the challenge called for it.

Dressed like a milf.
Cindy: I don't condone such awful word- omigosh ikr?

She actually helped out with the cleaning. :D Which was awesome until...

She started acting like a cat in our hall way.
My face has wut all over it.
I saved during this and right after I saved it crashed. D: 
Not sure if I'll continue if it keeps doing this.
And if it does then maybe I'll just start the legacy over with the Bheremonts.

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